THE ALUMINUM GROUP Self-described “old, ugly, and gay” brothers John and Frank Navin comprise the core of the Aluminum Group, an eclectic Chicago-based outfit that classifies elevator music as “high art.” Candid, outrageous, and thoroughly atypical, this duo's latest disc Pedals comes from the independent label Minty Fresh. The Navin brothers’ “wispy, understated melodies owe as much to Burt Bacharach as British garden pop bands the Lotus Eaters,” according to LAUNCH’s own Michael Lipton. The band visited our Santa Monica studios and stayed for several hours, goofing around in the studio and entertaining the troops with its pleasantly sweet and totally groovy tunes. The performance you see here features the use of two Line 6 "flextone" guitar amps, as well as an Eden Electronics DC210xt bass amp. “Impress Me,” written by J. and F. Navin, courtesy of Minty Fresh Records and A 13 Music (ASCAP).